
January 1, 2018

Chiro Hustle Podcast 027 – Barbara Eaton, DC

I am a farm-girl at heart, which taught me a number of invaluable lessons: work hard when the time is right or you’ll never get your crop planted or harvested; God and family are what matters most-the rest is just “stuff”; you only get ahead when the whole team wins; and of course-early to bed and early to rise… These truths cultivated a strong foundation for me as I entered the world of entrepreneurialism.

I opened my chiropractic practice in Dec 1998 at the tender age of 29. In less than 90 days I was serving over 180 office visits per week. This momentum lead to massive growth and in less than 5 years, I generated over $1.3million in a tiny town of 5000.

I attribute my success first to God and secondarily to: innovative systems; creative marketing; consistent personal growth; and polished teamwork. While still in practice, I began coaching my chiropractic colleagues from around the world and continue to do so today.

Chiropractors hire me as their coach when they’re at a plateau and know they’re capable of so much more! New doctors recognize that they learned a lot about being a doctor, but virtually nothing about being a savvy business owner and thus they hire me to make sure they start out on the right chiropreneur foot to grow fast with massive profits! Upper 6 and 7-figure chiropractors hire me to systematically expand their brand year-after-year and to ensure they’re not OWNED by their business, but instead that they’re dominating their community and ROCKIN big!! Veteran doctors enroll their associates and teams in my coaching to ensure their team is expertly trained to rapidly be assets in their business.

I invite you to ask anyone who is coaching with me now, or who has in the past, and they will affirm that I drive hard and that I am obsessed with helping others see their optimum potential and then customizing their plan to live it. Life is about ABUNDANCE and being wildly obsessed with all aspects of our lives.

I look forward to helping YOU see your brilliance and untapped potential. Contact me. I can help. ROCK it BIG! Choose TODAY instead of one day…

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