
November 26, 2023

Tech Talk Chiropractic with Dr Jay Greenstein DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 512

Dr. Jay is the founder and CEO of Kaizenovate, a technology company that builds custom mobile apps for chiropractic practices helping doctors improve outcomes and income. He is also the founder and CEO of the Kaizo Health Companies. The Kaizo Health companies are comprised of:

• Kaizo Health is a multi-location chiropractic and rehabilitation practice.
• KaizoX is a sports performance and personal training company.
• Kaizo Clinical Research Institute is a 501-c3 non-profit that runs clinical trials to identify best practices. The Institute is part of a large multi-year NIH study evaluating emerging Healthtech interventions for musculoskeletal conditions.

Dr. Jay is a task force member for the Future of Chiropractic Strategic Plan and is the current Chairman of the ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup. He is also the chairman of the Federation of International Chiropractic du Sport’s World Olympians Scholarship Program. He is the immediate past Chairman of the Clinical Compass,

Dr. Greenstein is a sought-after international speaker and consultant, teaching evidence into practice, leadership, business management, and emerging technologies. Dr. Greenstein sits on multiple advisory boards in healthcare and technology.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one Chiro Project podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes and to continue hustling. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life, Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Let's Hustle.

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, ome to episode 512 of the Chiro Hustle podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So, today we had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Jay Greenstein. If you want to hear more about Tech Talk and how it affects your chiropractic business, stay tuned. Welcome back. This is another episode of the Chiro Hustle podcast. Really excited to have Dr. Jay Greenstein on with me today. He has an event coming up that we're going to feature on today's interview. I think you guys are all going to be really excited about it. It's called Your Business Adjustment Summit. It's going to be May 5th through 6th, Washington, D.C. I'm sure Jay will tell you all about it. It's got some amazing speakers that are going to be coming out for that too. So he's going to be letting you guys behind the curtain and explaining to you why he's doing this and how he's bringing this all together for the chiropractic profession. We're also going to jump into possibly some Tech Talk, maybe talking about AI and how that's developing the world around us. But before we get into this episode of 512 of the Chiro Hustle podcast, I'm going to let you guys know the big why. Do we do what we do over here? Well, freedom of speech is important to us. And that's what journalism is to me. It's what my background's in. So I was 30 years old, Dr. Jay, and they said to me, what are you going to do with the rest of your life? I was like, I'm going to support chiropractic. So it's been 14 years. We brought that intention to where we are today with the Chiro Hustle podcast. So freedom of speech matters to me tremendously. So first amendment. I also really believe in family health, freedom of medical freedom. I believe people should have domain over that and have choice of that. So I always have to mention that. So if somebody is misconstrued, go and start chiropractic. That's my best advice. Just go find a great chiropractor and start chiropractic. And you'll learn a whole lot more about medical freedom and family health freedom. And as we roll, I get a bit more philosophical. I let people know that we protect B.J. Palmer Sacred Trust. People do not know what that means. I asked them and I urge them to go to their favorite search engine and look for B.J. Palmer's last words. And it means a whole lot to the chiropractic profession. So I believe it's important for us to mention that. And then subluxation based chiropractic, almost silly that I have to mention that. But I know that we have to support the subluxation based chiropractor too. And if we don't promote and support them, then it's a bit more challenging out there in the battlefield. And then lastly, we also more philosophically sound, believe it, innate intelligence and universal intelligence. And that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to man or woman is spiritual. And with that being said, Dr. J. Greenstein, welcome.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Thanks, buddy. Man, it's great to be back. Thanks so much for inviting me. It's always a great time to just hang out with you and chat.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And I think that that's a cornerstone of why hustle works is because many times people will tell me they're like, you know, I did this interview with you.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Good to see you too. By the way, make sure that all your listeners attend the business adjustment summit starting May 6th.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I love it. But yeah, where were we headed there? I think I was just saying that the reason hustle works is because of the casualness of like making sure that we talk to somebody about what matters to them. And a lot of my guests when they come off the show, they're like, wow, I feel like I was just like talking to you. And I think that that's the beauty about doing the show. I know you have a show too. So it is important to make the guests feel like they're just having a conversation.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Absolutely. Absolutely. That's why it's fun, man.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I know our talk today is going to be about your summit coming up. So let's let people behind the curtain a little bit and let them know what's going on out there in Washington, D.C., May 5th and 6th.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yeah, man. So like I think, you know, when you're on stage using your speaking front of people, a lot of times people ask you if you're at a state association event, hey, man, when are you going to have your own event? And finally, my team and I decided we were going to do it. And I reached out to a couple of friends of mine and they were all like, yeah, I'm in. I'm going to do this. So a lot of people on the podcast probably know Kevin Christie from Modern Chiropractic Marketing. Great dude. He's going to be a speaker. He's going to be talking about digital marketing. He's going to be talking about how to use digital strategies to create a really strong marketing plan. We have Christy Hudson, who is from Chi Health USA, who's our girl, man. She's the best. And she's going to be talking about identifying new revenue streams that the use of technology, revenue streams that I know most chiropractors are not currently leveraging and how to document and make sure that you're compliant with coding to make sure that you keep the money that you're billing. So new revenue streams and compliance around that. Brad Coste, he's going to be talking about data and analytics and improving your cash flow. I can get paid in five days with insurance because I'm using analytics and dashboards to ensure I know exactly where my money is. And he's going to teach people how to do that. I get to speak on leadership, which is one of my favorite topics. We're going to be talking about how to build A teams because we know the best practices start with the team. It's the right people doing the right work in the right way at the right time in the right seat. And so I'm going to be talking about that. And then lastly, our headliner, who's some chiropractic, I believe we don't know who he is, but is Joey Coleman. Now Joey Coleman wrote the best-selling book, Never Lose a Customer Again. And he's been a friend of mine for a very long time. And we're told him about this idea about doing this. He's like, do you want me to speak? And this dude commands like $25,000 an hour on stage. He teaches for Google and Zappos and Volkswagen. He goes to his website and you can see he's just a rock star speaker. And I was like, what? Did you just offer to speak? He's like, how come to speak? I was like, cool. So he's going to be talking all about customer and employee retention. So his first book, Never Lose a Customer Again. Again, best-selling book. And he's got a new book coming out, Never Lose an Employee Again. And when I'm on stages, where I'm talking to Kyros, I'm sure it's the same thing with you, James. We're hearing that a lot of Kyros are struggling with staffing issues, finding associates, finding the right teams, finding the right CAs. And so we're going to talk about how to find those A players, how to build the right team, and then Joey's going to talk about how to keep them. So super excited. It's just going to be a great event.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well I like a lot of what you're saying here. And I'm just going to unpack and go back to a couple things. And you said digital marketing, Kevin Christie. Do you know what he's going to be presenting on?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yeah, he's going to be talking about how to leverage all the social channels using evidence-based content, as well as reactivation campaigns with your own huge email list. Because a lot of Kyros have large email lists that they don't leverage. How to leverage those two strategies in order to bring in more new patients but reactivate the ones that really need to come back in, whether it's maintenance, or maybe they've had a new injury and they don't really know that you treat patellar tendinopathy. But you got it. So don't go to the physical therapist down the street. Go to the Chiro. Let the Chiro treat you. So yeah, he's going to be talking about those strategies.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I think it's really important that people realize that they're sitting on a gold mine of database. And I think a lot of times people don't realize that that's their nurturing campaign. That's what people need. That's what every chiropractor, every business owner, that's your gold mine. And I think a lot of times people are always looking for the next one, the new one. But really, if I asked any chiropractor how many files of x-rays that they have, and they showed it to me, and they asked them how many were on their current roster of patients that come in weekly, the disparity is probably 7%. That's probably maybe even 2%. You might be seeing 2% to 10% of your current database. Yeah.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Especially if you've been around like me for a long time, right? Like you're right.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. So it's important to set a strategy to actually do marketing and do nurturing for the people that have actually known like and trusted you. And as I say, get them to stay, pay and refer. Well, if you have to never lose another customer again, but never lose another employee again, I don't think it's just a chiropractic thing, Dr. J. I think it's like, it's a global thing. Absolutely. And I think that when you consider that type of like, you know, education on never losing another employee again, that's a really important thing. Because it takes, they always say what it's higher slow and fire fast. Yeah. And I think that that's something that we also forget is like those people now that you bring into your work family, they're going to be the ones working that database.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  That's right. That's right. And I'll tell you what, man, people and they don't. Chiros specifically, they don't have a human capital management strategy. They don't think about their workforce as their number one asset many times. And that can be a huge mistake. So like your people are your best asset and they can literally exponentially change your practice. And so like we're going to be teaching those strategies about, first of all, how do you recruit? Do you even have a recruiting strategy? Like we have a whole pipeline that we've built just using technology. So we have a constant flow of candidates, even though we don't have open positions. So I'm going to teach people how to do that, right? So you can pick the really high performers, those really super strong A players whenever you need them or if you want to create new positions because your practice is growing. We're going to teach people the recruiting strategy, the onboarding, the ongoing training to develop your people. So they continue to grow with your practice. So people don't get stagnant. There's a whole strategy around human capital management and Kairos need to know this.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, this wasn't even like prepared, but I also think that every chiropractor needs to have a CRM and they need to have somebody that's basically trained them as a call center. And I think that a lot of chiropractors, that's the last thing that they do or during their day, their reactivation calls. Well, how many do we have to do? All right. Speed through those and leave some messages. You know, who didn't show up, call those people. Like speed through that because you don't want to do that and I don't want to do that, but that's your job. So go speed through that and do that. Yeah. I mean, who's gotten one of those calls before?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  It's not fun to have. I don't want to get one of those calls, right? Like, you know, they're just doing it because they need to check a box like, made this call, made this call. Yeah, man. And I think reactivity instead of proactivity seems to be kind of the nature of many practices out there and they wonder why they're hitting the ceiling, why they can't grow them or why they can't break through. And again, you know, I think it starts with people, but then you've got to have the right process as well.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So I'm really interested in Christie's talk too. You said new revenue streams.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  So Christie, yeah. So Christie is going to be talking about new revenue streams, new revenue streams through new codes that can be delivered with the use of technology. So there's all kinds of digital health codes now. I mean, like I'm literally at a conference called HIMS, which is the Health Information Management Conference. And it's all around technology and healthcare and, you know, remote therapeutic monitoring, remote patient monitoring, digital E&M, telehealth. James, this is not the future. This is the present. Like literally we are in it and we are continuing to evolve digital health rapidly. And I think what's happening in our field is that chiropractors are laggards. They don't recognize, they don't know what's going on. They're in their tables, you know, head down, ask up, adjusting people. And they need to understand that technology is rapidly changing healthcare and they've got to get in the game. So we're going to teach people the new codes, the new technologies that you can use to build these new codes and how to document and code compliantly so you get to keep the money that you build and get paid.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, that brings up a really interesting question for me. Do you think that there's too many EHR systems that chiropractors are using? Because I'll reframe that. I talked to an office, they use platinum. I talked to another one, they do carotouch. I talked to another one, they do pure Chiro notes. I talked to another one, they do this system. I talked to another one, they do that system. There's like 20 different EHRs out there. They use the JNAP. Like I'm like, Genesis. Genesis. So what do we use JNAP? But that's just it. It's like, so what are we doing here? And how does what you do plug into all that?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  So that's a great question. So I think competition is good. I think competition ultimately raises the bar for the experience that the doctors have. For instance, there's a well-known chiropractic software out there that is going through lots of challenging times. It's probably going to lose, is already losing market share and probably will lose more because they're no longer chiropract or centric, and it's important that you have these other companies that can kind of pick up the slack. However, on the future of chiropractic strategic plan, if the audience doesn't know about that, go to Chiro, It is important that we're able to leverage the data from the different EHRs, that we can understand the impact and value that we're creating and change policy. So we can go to our legislators, we can go to our regulators and say, look at all this data that we've collected. We understand that chiropractic saves money and saves lives. So how do we improve the chiropractic status and how do we give patients more access to the services that we're providing and we can only do that through big data? And it is more difficult. It is more difficult to do that when we're so fragmented with all these EHRs.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You've made the Chiro Hustle. Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. This episode is sponsored by Transact Card, Align Life, NeuroInfinity, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life, Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, and the IFCO. Let's Hustle.

Well, I guess this is the next thing that spurs up for me. If we say competition is good and that's important, we get big data. What if somebody's mom and pop and they're like, I just do travel cards, I'm fine. I use Google Sheets and my travel cards and whatever. And I just run my little practice and I'm a cash based practice and I just treat people for self-exation and I just adjust people.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  You know, I have no judgment around that. Like if that's how they want to run their practice and that's the contribution they want to make to their community and to their patient base and to the profession, they have a choice to do that, right? If they want it to use an EHR that was going to be submitting data, like Genesis is going to be submitting de-identified data so that we can start to aggregate large data sets and understand the impact that we're creating. Sure. And we're talking to a couple other softwares that are also basically they've given us the green light that yes, we're going to contribute data so we can move the profession forward. But if someone doesn't want to do that, but they're doing a great job as a chiropractor and they're saving lives on their adjusting table, God bless them. Or be it for me to judge these people. I'm happy that they're just delivering chiropractic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, I was just curious because the media footprint is digital. The interaction platforms that we're all on, they're digital. But I know some people are like, I don't even want a cell phone. I know people are still like landlines.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  It's crazy. I mean, we have technology companies. We get to experience this on the provider and the patient side because we've got our clinics and then we've got our customers that purchase our technology and then we've got all of the patients, right? And we can see like what they're engaged in. We can see how they use the technology and you've got, you know, the bell curve. You've got the power users, right? The people that are just like on it. Then you've got the middle of the road users and then you've got the people that, as you said, when I say people I'm talking patients, they don't want to download an app. Yeah. They'd rather have an exercise sheet given to them, which is like, and that's okay. That just may not be our customer, right? Like that may not be our perfect patient.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And I think there's a lot of resistance for people in general and you have to find out what people want, what, what, what arena they want to be in. Yeah. I think that that's a really good indicator as to who your ideal client would be. But I do think that you're doing really good work and helping people understand like he said an aggregate of care and how people can start to basically put technology into the gap of not knowing. And I think that when you start having like results and answers and knowledge that helps create more system for more productivity and making people more money. And I know that you were saying Brad cost was one of your speakers and he was going to be talking about how to expedite cash flow.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So I want to, I want to address me that you said that was really important. You mentioned providers not knowing. And so like what we built in our second platform, James is like we built remote therapeutic monitoring software. We actually built software as a medical device. And so our customers will be able to build these codes. But the reason why I say that to you is sure on the business side they can build the codes. So what we, what we have now is insight into patient behaviors when they're not actually in the office. We can see when they're doing their exercises, we can see how many sets they've done. We can see their outcomes after they report on doing their exercises. We can see how they're doing after their clinic visit because they report on that too. So not knowing with the use of technology is turning into chiropractors knowing and we've built that. And so I just, I wanted to share that not as a plug, but just so chiropractors know like we do have the ability to do that now.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I always tell people, you know, just in general, I've never met anybody that practice a chiropractic lifestyle that has the worst quality of life. And you know, I always tell people when you get adjusted, it's not about your symptoms, but you get better faster. Oh, yeah. And now we're going to have something to stand up and be able to plant a flag with and say, look, we've said we said we've been getting people better faster for a long time. Now look, this is, this is the analysis that we've done with X amount of people over this amount of time. And I think, you know, there's groups out there that I really respect like chiropractic biophysics and what they're, what they're doing with all their research and all of their papers that they're publishing like feels like weekly. But I think it's important. It's for the integrity. So now taking, you know, groups like that and groups like with what you're doing and we start to bridge these together. Now it's not just the chiropractor saying, Hey, I hope people get better faster. It's like, look, this is what we do. And this is how it helps people. And this is why it's not a scary thing for you. And chiropractors make money and we produce great quality services on the backside. I think that that's a winning, that's a winning solution to me.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yep. And you got to have the right people in order to deliver that remarkable experience on the customer service side as well. So it's a big component. We know from the data that the most, um, the strongest correlation of patient satisfaction is employee engagement. So the more engaged the employee is, the higher levels of patient satisfaction and loyalty there is. And so again, having the right people critically important.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, you know, the interesting thing is I treat, I teach people how to go out and get new patients at events. And one of my, my top 10 is don't get buried in your technology, pay attention to the people in front of you. You're only there for X amount of time. Make those people that show up in front of you the priority. Absolutely. Because like you can spend any, I always kind of give the fancy football analogy, but you can spend all your time reading about your players and people on your fancy football team any day of the week. Just not that. And you really do have to like give people your attention. Absolutely. That's what people want in order to be able to stay and be able to pay. And then in order to refer, they have to feel a part of what you're doing.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  100%. They got to feel the passion. They got to feel that presence, right? You've got to be present with them.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's pretty important. People are not automated by the way. Yeah, no, exactly.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Back to the great point, because you automate so that you have more time to build relationships and be present. That's why you use automation. So you're not doing the less valuable work. You're doing the real valuable work, which is being present with your patient.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. And that's really why I tell people that they should treat certain parts of their business like a call center. They should have people that are doing that type of work to where your front desk person and your CA can actually sit there and greet people and say, hey, how is your day today? How are the kids doing? Can we get you something? Are you thirsty? By the way, somebody's in the restroom right now, but they'll be open in like two minutes. Just knowing the flow of how to actually greet somebody and to move people through the room in the space, I think you're right. Technology should be the undercurrent, the tone of a practice where the personality can then rise up and interact.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  100%. 100%. So you're asking me about broad.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, I'm interested in how people are going to be making more money because I know that that's a huge component to people showing up somewhere. A lot of people are like, I'm not going to go somewhere unless it actually increases like my business and traveling is tougher than ever right now. So if you're going to say, hey, leave home and come to my event, like people are going to want to come home with like strategic play to say, I'm actually going to make more money because I took time and traveled somewhere.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yeah. 100%. So I've been said and I'll say it here, I'm absolutely so confident that we're going to generate a great result. I'll give anybody their money back. If they're not happy, I will literally write them a check. Like literally, I have no comments about that at all because I know that the content we're delivering is data-driven content. It's not like some opinion or I'm pulling out on my butt. Like this is like real strategic and tactical, strong business acumen. And so Brad is going to be talking about how to maximize cash flow through the use of dashboards. You know, when you've got a data set that's in front of you, that is very user-friendly, user experiences where you can actually see exactly where your claims are, where the outstanding claims are, like literally with a click of a button so you can tell your office staff or you can ask your office staff, like, hey, what's going on with these six claims? Why is it greater than 14 days? We submit them electronically, we should be getting paid electronically. Why is it up to 14 days? Have you called the insurance company yet? Have you reached out? Have you done this? Have you done that? All those things can happen when you've got data literally at your fingertips. And so like, listen, man, we get paid somewhere between five and 14 days on average with our regular major medical insurance payers, which is kind of unheard of, but we do it because we've got real-time data and we've got, and one of the other things that Brad will be talking about is claims defects. Like do you know how many claims are affected that you're submitting to the carrier? We've, it's absurd. I mean, we've looked at nationwide data jams. It's pathetic. And we look and we see our own claims error rate. It's zero because we understand the importance of process. So that alone is going to be worth talking about for that alone would be worth showing up for 100 percent. Like if you know where your claims are and you can get paid quickly, that's a game changer.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Do you remember when you first like became an employee of anything? Like you're like, Oh, my first job. Go, all right. Well, you have to fill out this W two thing. And then by the way, my name is the owner and your name is, and then you shake hands, you fill out the application, then they're like, by the way, you're going to get paid by weekly. You're like, what is that? You're going to get paid every two weeks. And then by the way, you're not going to get paid for a month because we're going to hold your first two weeks back and pay that to you at the end. So you're like, what am I signed up for? Like that was like my first job. That's crazy. Yeah. So like we're going to pay you over two weeks. And that's the thing I think with chiropractic businesses, they have so many clients across the board with so many different like insurance packages and benefit packages. And they have like this one's cash, we got seven kids in this family and we got like one guy in this group. And there's just so many different things to pull from. And like no one ever knows if they're getting paid weekly. I mean, you have to do a daily collections. Have you noticed that daily collections are going up for these offices?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Oh my God. Yeah. And we, and we noticed it ourselves, right? Like we know that we can get paid quickly. We see our revenue grow. And when doctors start to implement these systems and they have data at their fingertips, their cash flow dramatically improves. Now we can then take that extra money, that money that's coming in and reinvested back into the business so the business then can grow. Maybe it's hiring an associate. Maybe it's hiring folks like you and creating a even broader scale digital marketing strategy to grow their practice even more. But at the end of the day, you've got to have fast cash flow. Otherwise if you're waiting for money, it's a noose around the business's neck.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Well, I've also told people that, you know, it's our job to earn your business and render you a good service. And I think that chiropracts, you've been doing that for a long time. They tell people what's going on, how much is it's going to cost and how long it's going to take. And those are the things that most people are really interested in when they're coming to the chiropractor. How bad is it? Can you help me? How long is it going to take? And then how much is it going to cost?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  You answer those questions. You're pretty good. You're good.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So we understand chiropractic business 101. Exactly. From the patient's perspective.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  And it's funny that you kind of talked earlier about retention. I'm just going to share this with you really quick. One of the things that we find when Kyros go to conferences, and I don't know if you've experienced this yourself, but you go to conference, you learn a lot, you go back, you have all the intentions of implementation, and then nothing really gets done. So we've done two additional things for this conference. One, we've got a workbook. You're going to literally be working on the business that weekend. You're going to literally be working on the business. Two, 30 days later, every single attendee will have a private one hour session with each one of the speakers. So five more hours, one hour each with each one of the speakers so that you can run your tactics by the speaker. What worked? What didn't work? What questions do you have? Because invariably when we're implementing new things, there's questions, right? There's challenges. So everybody will have access to the speakers 30 days later so they can actually take what they did from their workbook and share with the group, but also share with the speaker, getting the questions answered. And for us, that's a nuance that we think has never been done before, and we're really excited to try it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, I'll tell people this. Most conferences are all sizzle and no steak. And you can get a good whiff of what's going on. They might bring in two to three names of people that are going to be able to help you. But yeah, I think it's really important that people actually have access to get information and they have the ability to actually implement. And action is the next step. And I think a lot of times if you could drive people to action, you're going to have a more fun time doing what you do. Absolutely. No matter what it is, if you can inspire people to make a health change, a business change, maybe you can do both of them. And when you take these people that are like seeds, we talk about planting seeds analogy in this world. If you take the seeds and you actually water them, then you can see what grows and then you can create a harvest and then you can sow the seed again until the fields. And I think there's a lot of stuff that goes back to like former mentality when it comes to like go in a chiropractic office. Like you have to continuously nurture the people and take care of the people and ask them to bring people. And you know, and they're going to tell people just by proxy because they got rendered a good service that they trusted. So I really like what you're doing, man. You got a great group of people coming out to speak at your event, May 5th through 6th Washington DC, your business adjustment summit. I know we got about a minute and a half left and I kind of wanted to have you like kind of share with me briefly like AI. I know it's a big topic. How is AI coming into chiropractic space?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  You know, I think those of us who are paying attention, we're playing like we're just playing there's lots of different sites that they're now. In fact, there's a set called future of, which is like a warehouse of all the new AI tools that are coming out. And I would just encourage people to start playing. I spoke at the ACA conference on counseling, counseling diagnosis and internal disorders. I created a blog and two videos and a rap song using AI stacking. I call it AI stacking. So we can create written content. We can create musical content. We can create video content. We can stack the AI tools together to do something that's really remarkable. And I think what's great about the emergence of these tools, it's not something that is going away anytime soon. This is again the present and the future. What's great about these tools is it actually stimulates your creativity. So like I created a rap with a picture of me and the AI actually created a movie around it. And it was just, and I played it for everybody. It was fun. It was engaging. They could be audience something different that they've never experienced before. And it showed them James what's possible. And we're just at the beginning of this. So if I had to give any words of encouragement, I'd be like, don't be afraid. Like, just click on links. Not bad links click on. As I click on links, go to futurepedia and investigate those links, those tools and just play. Just trust up. I was on another tool,, T.O.A.E. And you can create a PowerPoint presentation. I literally created a PowerPoint presentation in about three minutes. I put in the subject line, it pulled references, it gave me pictures, three minutes. Now, I may not use all those slides, but I'll use some of them. I'll use some of that content that will save me a tremendous amount of time. So, play.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So good, so good. Play. Well, Jay. Yes, sir. Thanks for being our guest today.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Thanks for having me, brother. I really appreciate it.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, there's a lot of goodness in this episode. So if you made it to this far, go out and get your pencil sharp and write some notes and show up to Dr. Jay's event out in Washington, DC, May 5th through 6th. Yeah, and have a great day out there at this tech event that you're at.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Thank you, Matt. It's gonna be a good one. I'm excited.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And if people wanna connect you with you, where should we send them to?

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Yeah, it's great. So my email is Dr. Jay, D-R-J-A-Y at Kaizenovate. K-A-I-Z-E-N-O-V-A-T-E, And yeah, I'm happy to answer any questions. If you've got questions about what we talked about today or for the summit, just reach out to me. I'm happy to help you anyway, Ken.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, and I just really appreciate you being episode 512.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  Bro, congrats, man. You're just crushing it. I love it. Keep going, man. You're changing the world.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Thank you. And I just close out by telling everyone you're just one story way. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys on the next episode.

DR JAY GREENSTEIN DC (GUEST):  See you, brother.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  All right, bye for now.  Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling.


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