
April 17, 2024

Take Chiropractic from PAIN to BRAIN Based with Dr Clint Steele DC – Chiro Hustle Podcast 553

Dr. Steele went from selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door to starting a practice with less than $1000 to his name and in 6 months seeing over 500 patients a week, 100% cash, no in-office staff, and no advertising.

He did this by making chiropractic about the brain NOT pain! By doing this he not only exploded his practice but instead of just seeing pain patients he saw reversal of diabetes, dementia, kidney disease, anxiety, depression, IBS, Crohn’s disease and so much more.

Today Dr. Clint trains hundreds of chiropractors worldwide to move from pain to brain and EXPLODE their practices and SAVE MORE LIVES through very affordable, effective, unique products, services, and brain-based instrumentation.

Dr. Steele and his wife Tina, live in Maine with their 6 kids where he still runs his practice part-time, and together, they run TRUCHIRO and NeuroInfiniti.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Before we dive into this powerful episode, please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!

LUKE MILLETT (PRODUCER):  Hey guys, welcome to episode 553 of the Chiro Hustle Podcast. I'm your producer, Luke Millett, and here's your host, James Chester.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So today we have the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Clint Steele. If you want to hear a story about how to take chiropractic from pain-based to brain-based, stay tuned. Welcome back another episode of Chiro Hustle Podcast. Today I have Clint Steele coming in with me. Over the moon about this one, man, this is a sponsorship edition with NeuroInfinity. Do you want to let them know what the website is quick?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, actually we just updated our website, Brainbased Health Solutions is our new name. So

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So the reason I bring that up before I do any intro is because I want people to go over there right now,, and take a test drive of the website and click through, schedule your call with Clint and see if there's anything that he might be able to do to facilitate you. I know he has a live workshop coming up in Utah. He'll be at Life Vision at the end of September, and he'll be at Chiro Life in Minnesota over the next couple months. So check Clint out, send him some DMs, blow this dude up, and get on with what he's doing with brain-based chiropractic. So now that we're here, I let everybody know our big why. How do we do what we do over at Chiro Hustle? Man, it's important stuff. We protect freedom of speech. We're just talking a bit of geo-politically off camera about some of the things that are going on around us and what we need to really do. And first things first is protect our amendments. And we've never censored anyone on the show. And I think that that stands loud and proud. And we perpetuate the truth about chiropractic. I know that's something that you love too, also Dr. Clint. And the truth is that our rights to medical freedom and family health freedom are under fire. And if we don't tell the truth about chiropractic, someone else will make up a story about us and they'll take the narrative. So a couple of the interviews I did earlier, I said, look, that's why we're documenting chiropractic. That's why we're doing the show because it's going to have posterity and semblance of distinction. If anybody ever wanted to come in and say, hey, we're going to change chiropractic. No, you can't because we documented it. We know what chiropractic is. So that's really one of the big whys behind it. Plus, you know, perpetuating protecting the sacred trust, chiropractors just need to know about it. And if you're a young DC, you don't know what the sacred trust is, you have to go and research that immediately. Stop this interview, go and do your search and find out what BJ Palmer's last words were. Go and find out what the sacred trust is like now. And then, subluxation based chiropractic gets near and dear to us because it is the ethical standard, I believe, for philosophically based chiropractic. And we have to stay to our roots, man. If we don't stick to like our cornerstones in the house falls. So, subluxation based chiropractic, innate intelligence and universal intelligence, we believe that when man or woman, the physical gets adjusted, it connects them to men or women, the spiritual. And that's big stuff. That's the big idea. And all of us follows as we say. So Dr. Clint Steel, welcome to episode 553.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  553, baby. Thanks for having me, man.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Long time coming again. I always enjoy our conversations chiropractic related and otherwise. And I always think that it's a really good format for you to get your message out. So I can't do another episode without with you until we at least tell people the Kirby vacuum story. And then we'll get into brain based chiropractic and all this other stuff we want to discuss.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  The Kirby vacuum cleaner story. And if you guys have ever owned a Kirby vacuum cleaner, they're amazing, right? They're awesome vacuum cleaners, but they suck to sell. Like they're not fun to sell. And guys, this is how bad. I didn't want to get back. I was in practice for 17 years. Quit because all I saw in my practice was basically pain, right? Neck pain, low back pain. I was sick and tired of it. I used to have a full head of hair. I was stressed out because the other problem was not only was I seeing people only for pain, which I knew chiropractic was about so much more, but people would leave once their pain was gone. And we know chiropractic is amazing when people get adjusted regularly throughout their life. Right? Amen. And so I was constantly looking for new patients always, right? The term PVA patient visit average. How many times does a patient see you before they leave never to be seen again? Right? I was 12. The industry average, by the way, is 10. Not only a poor health care model, but a poor business model. Just think, where would McDonald's be today or where would Coca-Cola be today if someone just bought their product 10 times and then they never, they stopped. Like they would be constantly looking for new people, new customers, right? That's burnout. And that's where we are as a profession right now, the majority of the profession, unfortunately. And that was me. So I quit. Get this though. I had 17,000 patient files and I still needed more new patients to pay the bills because most of those were gone, right? They were never going to return. And so I quit. I'm never doing this again. And about three years later, I set out to form a million acts of kindness the year later and hit 2.8 million acts of kindness. It was awesome, but it didn't make any money. And so I said, all right, I've got to do something to start generating some income again because I'd spent all my retirement savings, all that stuff. And I didn't want to get back into chiropractic. And so I started selling curvy back and cleaner storida.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So before I jump more into the curvy thing with you, money's like new patients. It's not how much you make. It's how much you keep. And it's like, it's not how many you get. It's how many you retain. And let me ask you this because I've done hundreds upon hundreds of chiropractic marketing events, okay? And I meet all walks of life. And they come up to me. Like, so I do this on my own. And I just have my wife walks on my back. Yep.

None:  Yep. You heard those before? Oh, you hear them all the time.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Absolutely. Absolutely. What's your response to something like that when it comes to what you're interested in today, like the brain-based chiropractic?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  You know, the, the, the, the, I think the, the common denominator here is, yeah, people, are going to do that. Some, some people walk up and they'll do this right in front of me, right? They'll do the whole thing. I say, do you actually know what you're doing though? Like, you actually know what's going on here, right? Do you know that this affects your brain? What you're doing is actually affecting your brain function either in a positive way or a negative way. And you don't know. But you don't know, do you? And they're like, um, no, I, I guess I probably should stop doing that, you think. I'm like, yeah, you think, right? And so they, but, but ultimately though, as you've learned, Jim, Jim is that, that leads to a conversation, right? Where now you can start to educate these people.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You don't want to rate them or make them feel dumb, but like, I'm like, so you let your wife that weighs two bills. Walk on your spine, bro. Yeah. I'm like, uh, not saying that your wife shouldn't be two bills, but I'm saying like, she's walking on your neurology. Right.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And that's part of your brain, right? You understand this part of your brain that that's happening here, right? And I think that's where a lot of people miss the boat, including unfortunately chiropractors, right? A lot of chiropractors because, you know, the, the whole idea behind the subluxation and the chiropractic adjustment is ultimately, you know, and we're seeing this research now with Heidi Havek coming out and, and so many more, there's, there's, there's others coming out. But ultimately this chiropractic adjustment and removing the subluxation actually has a higher effect. It's not just about the spine. It's about the brain, the brain. And this is why we see miracles. This is why we've seen miracles. Although unfortunately in many cases, not consistently because we're not actually measuring the brain and we're not actually tracking what these chiropractic adjustments are doing to the brain, whether it's improving it or not. Right? And that's, that's the key factor. And so to expand on the story, you know, I, I sold Kirby vacuum cleaners for about three months. And I got a letter from my grandmother who basically said it was a three page long, both sides. So six pages total. Basically the line that I remember is I, I'm ashamed of you and you should be ashamed of yourself for not living to your potential. And I hated my grandmother for about four days. And on the fifth day I said she's right. And that's when I got back into chiropractic. Unfortunately in the story, the story gets, goes along. I don't know if it gets better, but a couple of years later, my grandmother, the one that wrote that letter came down with dementia. Right? She started suffering from dementia. She was in a home. I would go and visit her. She forgot who I was. She would. She didn't know who I was. And they were, they were actually doing Jim. If you've ever, if you've ever seen anyone go through dementia, they have flashcards for her. And these flashcards were like an orange, a picture of an orange or a banana or a football or something. And asking her what these things were, and she didn't know. And so there I am two years back into practice on what I call as a brain based chiropractor. I was seeing things like Crohn's disease reverse. I was seeing anxiety reverse. In fact, I was known as the anxiety doctor because I was reversing anxiety in six and seven year olds up to 40 and 50 year olds. I was seeing depression reverse, but I didn't know how to care for dementia. Right? I had no idea. And so what happened was she passed away. And about six years later, this lady walks into my office, her name is Alice and she was suffering from anxiety from depression. She had neck pain. She also had high blood pressure. And she had dementia and her, her medical doctor told her, well, I can give you medication for all this other stuff, but there's nothing we can do for dementia because it's age related. It's duty or age, okay, which is a bunch of crap. Right? I said, I said to myself, listen, I don't know how to take care of dementia, but I know how to take care of her anxiety and her depression and her high blood pressure and her neck pain. And so that's what I'm going to do. Guess what happened? Six months later, her, I mean, get this, Jim, she could not remember what she was talking about in the middle of a sentence. And her husband had to help her remember in the middle of a sentence. She was forgetting she couldn't finish the sentence. She couldn't remember her husband's name or kids names. This is how bad this was. Six months later, going through this protocol, a brain based chiropractic protocol, her husband came in and gave me a hug and said, thank you for giving my wife back. Her dementia totally reversed. Okay. Now she's still seeing me. She's now 82, 82 and a half. She's still fine living her daily life. If she had followed her medical doctor's advice, I think she'd be where my grandmother is today. Okay. No doubt in my mind. So anyway, I had to finish that story.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  No, I'm glad you did. You know, and it brings up a topic for me. We've made two films on chiropractic. A lot of the audience probably don't. Obviously they don't know everything that I've ever done in my journey to get to where I'm at. But I came in as somebody that wanted to like document this profession. And we've made two films. The first one's on the history and all the trials and tribulations within chiropractic. And that came out in like 2016. It's called chiropractic the documentary. Real, real, real novel idea because I was like, we need, I was doing patient testimonials. Okay. And I was like, this is cool for like a practice, but we need a bigger story. So that's when I, we did that. But the second one, the reason I'm bringing this up is because our second movie is called Project Patient. And it's right in line with what you're talking about. We should redo it. But it was about PTSD and how chiropractic helped. It was about TBIs and how chiropractic helped. It was about addiction, depression, anxiety and how chiropractic helped. So we took non like pain based things, like conditions and we followed these people. We followed them through full care plans. And we showed on scans doing surface EMGs and they weren't getting high velocity adjustments. A couple of them were getting, what do they call it? Prone specific where they just go, and they just do like little pushes. And gosh, what I know there's a management company that does that system, but they just lay everybody down. They go, they suggest down a little bit, not, not heavy moves. And the other one is torque release technique. One guy was doing torque release technique and he was doing pre and post scans on him. And I'll tell you, the amount of tears shed at the end of that one from the people that actually went through these, we gifted all these people, we looked for them specifically, but we gifted all these people chiropractic to participate in our movie. And it was just so powerful when this lady with the TBIs changed her life, she could like start getting around and driving again. She didn't have to lock herself in dark rooms anymore. So when I came into like what you were doing now with this brain based chiral stuff, I'm like, bro, if we can like figure out how to get this message in front of more people, like this interview could change a lot of lives.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It can save lives. This is what I say when I end my emails and I end my, a lot of my posts, let's save more lives because this is what chiropractic is about, right? It's about when you, when you're utilizing chiropractic to its fullest, I'm not talking just pain based chiropractic. I'm talking brain based chiropractic. We actually save lives. I mean, that's, that's the long and short of it right there.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  82 years old and living.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And that's just one example I've had at this point now, and this just happened over in the last couple of years, I've had five either, either full blown Alzheimer's or dementia patients reverse. Okay. We've had Crohn's disease reverse. Like I said, we've had Parkinson's disease reverse. We've had people that have come in and said, you know what? I got, I got a doc in Ohio. He, he shared a story with me about this, this young lady that basically came in and said, I'm ecstatic. Like this care is amazing. It's awesome. And he says to her, he says, well, what do you mean? You want to know like, what do you, what have you noticed in the change? And she said to him, she said, before I came in here, I was ready to commit suicide and I was probably going to, I would probably have done it by now. And he told me this and I'm like, oh my gosh, like this, this is amazing because, you know, ultimately, Jimmy, you come down to one question, what coordinates every function in your entire body? Obviously the brain and nervous system, right? But you ask what coordinates every decision you make in your life, what is it? It's the same thing. So we're transforming not only health, we're transforming lives through brain based chiropractic.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Well, you know, that's back to our pre interview talk. I was like, that's why I've dedicated the last 15 years to this profession because there has to be some level of truth that stands in the gap for what people need. And that's chiropractic. I, you know, I probably don't need to like openly say this too frequently, but chiropractic is the last piece on the chessboard before it's checkmate. And chiropractors are the last truth in any arena. And they just got like a gold be a medical be in the medical world. Chiropractic has never been medical. And and when chiropractors were kind of like sucked into like the medical world, that's when chiropractic loss is identity. And that's when people came in and started manipulating the diagnosis codes and put insurance into it and do all these things.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  You keep paid by insurance companies.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. Yeah. But chiropractic was never an insurance gig. It was a cash based gig where you come in. You keep the guy farming, you keep the lady like taking care of kids. And that's what chiropractic did. And I, you know, when I go out and tell the chiropractic story, I'm like, yeah, there's a guy named Harvey Lillard, dude had a bump on the back of his neck or lower upper back. I'm like, I don't know where it was exactly because I wasn't there. But the dude got adjusted and restored his hearing. Yeah. And I was like, and then people thought chiropractors were your doctors for a lot of years after

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  that. See, that's the thing. And people like, listen, chiropractic isn't about pain. And I share that story. And it's like, the jaws drop. Sometimes you're what? Wait, what?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And people, and people take horses and walked and freaking trains and steamboats to get to Davenport, Iowa, because they heard about this guy that could restore hearing. What the heck? And then we're like, Oh, cool, man. You're into like what insurance? Okay. We'll take a little bit of our integrity away. Yeah.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  And we'll go for a game. For docs listening, man, I was back in my 17 year pain based practice. I was 90 99% insurance based. When I opened back up eight, nine years ago, 100% cash, I make more money now than I ever did in my 17 year practice. Amen. Amen. It's not about that. Right?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  It's not about that. But it's about building that clarity in that story. So I think that that's important for people to hear on today's segment too. You're going to life vision, right? Yeah. The month.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yep. Speaking there. I'm speaking, man. I'm speaking on stress, the brain disease and the chiropractic adjustment and the science that brings it all together.

None:  Wow.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Very powerful. Every time I've done this talk anywhere I've gone, it's been, it's been standing room only. I remember in Michigan when I was speaking at Mac, we started off with basically the room full. And at the first break, it was like a four hour presentation at the first break. We had a whole bunch like people must have gone out and talked or something because when we came back, we had the room full plus standing room all around the whole the whole room. So that's impact. That's a powerful talk, man.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah. I mean, just knowing that you have these opportunities coming up, I know you also said you have a workshop coming up in Utah in October.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah. So what we do is we actually certify chiropractors as being what we call brain based. Now here's the thing. Most people will say, and I say, I'm a brain based chiropractor to chiropractors. Understand when I say I'm a brain based chiropractor to chiropractors, they say, well, all chiropractic is about the brain. And yeah, absolutely. But you got to understand most chiropractors don't focus on the brain. And so when you go out to the public and you say, I'm a brain based chiropractor, guess what I get? Wait, what? What are you talking about? High practice are about the spine and they're about pain. What are you talking about the brain? It opens up their mind because if you go out right now and you ask a hundred people what chiropractic is about 99 and we're going to say what? Pain. Neck and low back pain. Right. And so now what's happening and that's what I tell doctors, people are dying right now in your community because they don't know the truth about their health. They don't know the truth about their brain. They don't know the truth about chiropractic because unfortunately most chiropractors are not sharing that. That was me for 17 years. Right? We didn't I didn't share the truth of chiropractic. We spoke earlier about about the truth, right? We've got to get out and we've got to share the truth.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You made it to Chiro Hustle! Sit back and learn from the greatest influencers in the profession on the world's number one chiropractic podcast. Please remember to subscribe to our channels and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!

You know, I've been around this profession 15 years and I've been fastidious in my approach to learn more and to keep on learning more and to keep on building connections and to keep on telling the story. And there was a time where I was listening to this guy talk, he was Barry Anderson. I don't know if you know him, he was with a group called Everest and they teach a great solid fundamental day one day to process where they teach people how to close cash. They teach them how to convert people for cash and how to sell a care plan and how to teach and educate amazing stuff. But Barry was one of the founders of it and he said, if we don't tell people the truth about chiropractic, someone else will sell them into drugs or surgery. And you know, I think that that's just said is brain based chiropractic opens up a conversation and the first person to shoot another to shoot a chiropractor will be another chiropractor for saying something that makes them think a little bit. Like what your brain based chiropractic we all are. Of course you are. But words do matter.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Well, the other thing that I say to these guys that say, yeah, well, you know, I'm a brain based chiropractor too. All chiropractic is about the brain. Okay. And are you measuring the brain? Are you measuring the nervous system? Okay. Because you mentioned earlier, SEMG, rolling thermal, all that stuff. Great. But see the power of the brain and nervous system is in its adaptability. The power to adapt to stress and then recover once it's over. And so what most chiropractors are doing, they're measuring things in a static relaxed state. Okay. Static relaxed state is not true to life. People don't walk around like they're sitting in your office for five minutes while you measure them. That's not life. Okay. It's like a fire alarm goes off. You know, if I were to measure, I talked to docs all the time. I say, listen, if I were to measure your heart rate and it was 66 beats per minute, what would you say about your heart health? Well, it's good. Okay. Fine. Now let's say the fire alarm goes off. What should happen to your heart rate? Should go up. And if it doesn't, is that a problem? And the answer is yes, absolutely. And my next question is, so do you know that? Do you know what their heart rate does when they're under stress? Yes or no? No. Do you know what their brain is doing under stress? Yes or no? That's why they know it. Do you know what their respiration rate is doing under stress? Yes or no?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That's why they call it resting heart rate.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  That's right. But the same thing with rolling thermal, same thing with SMG, I'm not saying don't do those guys even x-rays. Like I'm not saying not do don't do those.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  That was my next question. Because if you want to do them, do them. How do you correlate what you're doing with the neuro infinity with x-ray? How does that make sense? Because I know a lot of chiropractors are shooting films and they're looking at like a static snapshot. Exactly. Like this is where your subluxation is. Yeah. And I mean, this is where your DJD is the generative disc disease and we need to start get you on this many so this doesn't advance blah, blah, blah, you know?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  The question, the question is what caused that degeneration in the first place? What caused that posture? If they're using x-rays for posture, what caused those postural imperfections to begin with? Those postural distortions, right? Because if you're thinking that the posture just went bad because of posture, it's not. If you think a joint just fixated because a joint fixated, it's not. Something has to move that joint, right? And those are the muscles. But the muscles don't have a brain. What tells the muscles how to move that joint? The neurology. It comes back to the brain and nervous system. And that's all based on Jim. That's based on how the brain perceives the environment. See if the brain is perceiving the environment as a fire alarm going off, it's going to tighten the muscles, right? It's going to increase inflammation, which is going to lead to degenerative disc disease, right? It's going to lead to postural distortions. It's also going to lead to gut problems. It's also going to lead to auto, I mean, immune system disorders. It's going to lead to reproductive issues.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Now I'm just tingling.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  If your brain is stuck in that survival mode, okay, our job as chiropractors is to down regulate their brain and nervous system. And so my question oftentimes comes back. You mentioned earlier TRT and some of those low force techniques, right? If someone is over aroused, if their nervous system is already overstimulated, what do you think a high force manual adjustment is doing to the already overstimulated nervous system? And here's the bigger question. If they can't recover and they can't down regulate on their own, what are you doing to their brain and nervous system then, right? And so that's where the neuro infinity comes in because we can actually measure that in lifetime. We measure adaptability. We measure brain waves, HRV, heart rate, respiration rates, skin conductance, hand temperature and muscle tension of the traps during four different stressors. And then after each stress, we have the patient close their eyes and relax and see if they can down regulate. So going back to the heart rate, fire alarm goes off. What should happen to the heart rate? Should go up. And then let's say it's false alarm. You come back into the office, you're relaxing. We're joking about it 10, 15 minutes later. What should happen to the heart rate? Should go down. If it doesn't, is that a problem? See what we find with the neuro affinity when we're measuring this stuff, we have about 60 to 70% of the public that when they're under stress, their heart rate goes up and then when they close their eyes to relax, guess what happens? Their heart rate goes up even more.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Do you think that's due because of unresolved ideas and thoughts and fears?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It's due to these three teas right here, right? Thoughts of trauma toxins, right? So it could be a trauma, absolutely, that's created that. But usually it's an accumulation of all these three together. And so to your point, yeah, there's tons and tons of research that when people close their eyes and they're still thinking and their thoughts are worried about something, because for example, we take them through a cognitive stress, which is a math test, right? And then afterwards, close your eyes for 90 seconds. Let's see how you do. And then their heart rate goes up, the respiration rate goes up. When it should be going down, that person's probably still thinking about that. Did I get that right? Did I look stupid? Oh my gosh, I can't believe that, right? They can never down-regulate. And unfortunately, this is the problem right now with 90% of the public today, Jim. They're in an over-aroused state, they're over-stressed. And that is the cause of over 90% of all disease. And it's the cause of 100% of all death. 100% of all death is due to the inability for the brain to be able to adapt to stress.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So you're talking to me about math problems. Am I stressing you out? No, I'm not a mathlete by any stretch. Like I have this cell phone over here, I punch little numbers in and it tells me what the number is on the backside. But it made me think of something else. Have you run this in accordance with something like brain tap or something like a meditation program to see if you could work a meditation lifestyle into somebody while getting chiropractic care and then testing them on their own affinity?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  This is what our whole program is about, right? Because a lot of chiropractors, they come in, especially straight chiropractors, all I need to do is just adjust someone and they're good, right? Of course you can do that. Guys, listen, the stress that we are under today is way, way, way higher than it was 40 or 50 years ago when we could just do an adjustment and their nervous system was able to adapt suddenly. Okay. Because what happens is we leave, they leave their office, the office after a chiropractic adjustment and they're getting on their cell phones, right? They're calling their spouse who they're already fighting with. They're looking at their bank account because they don't have enough money to pay the bills. They're whatever, right?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  They're searching on Google map. They're playing videos or checking Pandora.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  They're all these stress patterns just continue, right? And so what you talked about earlier with brain tap, yeah. So we use brain tap as part of our care plans. We use meditation as part of our care plans. We use lifestyle changes. We got to get them. One of the biggest ones is diet. Yeah. Like we've got to get these people off gluten. We got to get them off dairy. We got to get them off soy. We got to get them off corn and corn byproducts. We got to get them off GMOs. We got to give them off seed oils. We got to get them off margarine. Like some of these people are still in margarine. Like what the heck, man? Like this is the stuff we have to do.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  You know why? Because it's always been done that way in that house. It's like old wives tales living on and on and on.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  But to your point, man, these are the things that we've got. One of the most important things that we've got to do, believe it or not, get them to breathe properly. Most people don't even know how to breathe properly. Most people, even when you make them aware of how to breathe properly, they can't do it. They can't do it. If you tell them to breathe with their diaphragm, seriously, you're talking about 60 to 70% of the public. And I have 20 something year olds that come in and I say, listen, you're breathing with your upper chest and your shoulders. That's a survival mode breathing pattern that's sending a message to your brain that you're in survival mode. We got to change that. So you just did it right now. You just breathe with your chest and shoulder. I did. Okay. So you're going to do it with your belly, with your diaphragm. Okay. No, that's still all chest shoulders. Okay. So that's something that we got to work with people because when they can breathe with their diaphragm, especially if they breathe four seconds in, six seconds out, that's sending a message to the brain. Hey, we can relax. We can down regularly.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And that resets the Vegas tone. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool, man. Yeah. I mean, I just stuff like that. I learned stuff because I ask a lot of questions, you know, and that's really like the blessing of having a show like this is if I'm curious, I get experts and you know, I get a guy like you that loves what you do. And I can ask you like, what about meditation with this? What about X-ray with this? You know, what does it look like for somebody with this going on? Like, and you can, you know, we teach people to breathe. We teach people to remove crap out of their diets. We adjust them. Exactly.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  We adjust them. So, and you've got proof too. You've got proof that they've got a brain program going back to your X-ray thing. I didn't even finish that, you know, but when you take an X-ray and you take brain, you take a neurofinity, it's called a stress response evaluation. And you show that their brainwave patterns are in high beta, low beta, which is a stress state. Now they understand why their posture is off, right? Because now their brain can't communicate properly with their body. Now they know why they've got inflammation in there because when they're in a stress state, inflammation increases, right? Now they know why they're getting sick every three months, right? I mean, they now they know why they can't reproduce, right? Because they're, you know, the story that I tell, docs and people and my patients, I say, listen, if your brain thinks the fire alarm is going off, does it worry about reproducing? No, you're not good. It doesn't, doesn't worry about getting an erection, right? If your brain is thinking the fire alarm is going off, is it worried about digesting food properly? No, it's worried about surviving, right? And so now it starts to all make sense to the patient and they're like, oh my gosh, this makes so much sense. Why didn't anyone explain this to me before?

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  And by the way, your L3 is like subluxated like I've never seen off your x-ray. So I need to adjust that too. So now you're less stressed and now you can get an erection again. There you go. So what it sounds like is this helps with sensory. The program helps with recondition people's eating behaviors and their diets. It helps with reconditioning people and adapting people to a better quality environment with the way that they think, the way that they act and the way that they carry on with their regular lifestyle.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Well, here's the deal is chiropractors right now today. We provide the adjustment and then some chiropractors are doing supplements. They're doing vibrational place. They're doing, you know, we talked earlier about, you know, oxygen, you know, therapy. Chiropractors are doing all these things. Okay. You know why? Bottom line, bottom line is this. Okay. Even functional medicine, even nutritional supplementation at a foundational level, all that has to do with changing brain and nervous system function. Oh, it does. And so what I tell doctors, listen, how do you know if you're doing vibration play, so you're doing this or that, that it's actually moving that patient's brain and nervous system patterns in the right direction or wrong direction? And that's the big, that's the big question. And ultimately we've got to come down whether you're doing functional medicine, you're doing nutrition, you're doing a fireplace, you do whatever else at the foundational level. We've got to come back to what is coordinating all these functions. And it comes back to the brain.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  I mean, analogous to like driving a car, like if you drive a car, you never check the oil, the engine blows. And if you're driving your body around and you never check your brain balance, the brain blows. Yeah. And I think that a lot of times when people, like there's a reason there's a dipstick inside your engine so you can like put it in there and check and see if you had enough oil if you need to add some. And I think that people in general, they need to know what's going on with their nervous system more. It's like right in our body, it's the one thing that continuously motivates our body gives us like animation to life. And nobody checks in on it. Nobody, nobody looks at it. It's like the elephant in the freaking room.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  It's insane. You know how many people I've talked and I don't care if I'm talking to a medical doctor or a nurse or a lay person. And I asked them what coordinates every function in your body. And they said, well, my brain and nervous system. Okay. So if you have high blood pressure, do you have a cardiovascular system problem or do you have a brain communication problem? If your brain is coordinating the function of your heart, have you ever checked your brain to see if it's functioning properly? And like, oh my gosh, no, never have.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, because, you know, one of my good friends, Matt will always like quote me. And one of the things I tell them is you got to look in obvious places if you want information. You have to be like, where is it? Go find it. And it can't be like, I'm going to get 10 books or 20 books and I'm going to just sift through all this information. No, go look in the obvious place that you're going to find what you're what you need now. You can buy all the books in the world. But if it's just one sentence that you need, go find that one sentence.


JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Neuro infinity, man, let's close out and tell people why they should get one, how they can get one, and why they should come check out your workshop in Utah.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Ultimately, if chiropractors are watching this, I'm going to ask you one question. What body system ultimately is chiropractic about? Hopefully you're not saying musculoskeletal system. Hopefully you're saying brain and nervous system. And I know brain is part of the nervous system, but guys, when you say nervous system to the public, it's kind of like, whoa, it's kind of like whatever. But when you say brain, guess what happens? There are a lot, their eyes open up and say, wait, what are you talking about? Because they have grandparents now that are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's. They have sisters and brothers that are getting Parkinson's disease. They have anxiety. I mean, we have seven and eight year olds coming in with anxiety problems.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Right? And freaking reverse curves of their spine and their neck. Yeah.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Which is due to the brain's inability. Don Reno, measuring outcomes is that in as many ways as possible, we'll change how the public perceives and benefits from chiropractic. Yeah, when you put the lead on your head, so again, the neuro infinity basically measures at the highest level brainwaves. As soon as you put this lead on someone's head, on a patient's head, it takes you from being a back doctor to being a brain doctor. Which ultimately is if we're brain and nervous system specialist, then we should be measuring the brain and nervous system, but we should be doing it in lifetime, measuring the adaptability. Because that's the superpower of the brain and nervous system is the ability to perceive the environment and then adapt and change physiologic function. If we can't do one or both of those or a combination, we've got problems. And so that's what the neuro infinity measures. It allows us to care for patients, brain and nervous system patterns in the right way, including the right type of intensity of adjustment, frequency of adjustment, length of the care plan, post adjustment, what are we doing? Because there's research showing that if you perform the right chiropractic adjustment, there's a 20 minute window post adjustment where the brain is wide open to change. But if you're changing those waves in a wrong direction, okay, that's not good. Yeah. But then also anything else, okay, everything else that we do. So that's all the stuff that we teach in our workshops and that's how we certify docs to become what we call brain based docs. We change the communication. We change the patient's perception about what you do in being a back doctor to being a brain doctor. We teach you how to assess the brain and nervous system in a dynamic fashion and not a static fashion. We teach you how to develop care plans, how to give a report of findings, how to get these patients to accept care and then refer other people and pay cash for it. That's what we do.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Well, I think that this interview has given people an opportunity to learn more about what you're up to with the brain based chiropractic. If people wanted to connect with you, where are some leads we can send people to?

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Yeah, you can catch me on Facebook. You can go to our Facebook group. It's called Pain to Brain. Pain to Brain chiropractic is there. You can also go to our website. We mentioned earlier We've got tons of videos on there. We've got free resources. We've got my calendar link in there. We've got DDS calendar link in there. If you guys want to schedule a call, learn more about our brain based practice blueprint.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  So go get your guys free resources. Go to Go check out the Facebook group Pain to Brain chiropractic and hit Clint up on Facebook. It's been a real honor to have you on tonight. I had a lot of fun. I think that your systems will make other people's practices more fun. And if people do what I call the ELF principle, make it easy, lucrative and fun, you're going to have a better quality of life with your practice. And I think that's what we've covered today. Make it all easy, lucrative and fun. That's what we do, man. And that's what it sounds like, man. So pain to brain chiropractic on Facebook, Dr. Clint Steele, your episode, 553 of the podcast. I appreciate you for sponsoring the show. And I look forward to hearing how your life vision talk goes and how your workshop and Utah goes and then how things go for you as you get up to Chiro Life in Minnesota over the next couple months, man. Awesome. Appreciate your brother and everything you're doing, man.

DR CLINT STEELE DC (GUEST):  Keep up the good work.

JAMES CHESTER (HOST):  Yeah, man. Well, I'll close out by telling everybody you're just one story away. Keep hustling. I'll see you guys in the next episode. Thanks a lot. Thanks for listening to Chiro Hustle. Don't forget to subscribe and check back next week to continue hustling. Please remember to give us a 5-star rating on iTunes to continue hustling.

This episode is sponsored by the Transact Card, A-Line life, Brain-Based Health Solutions, Chiro HD, Imaging Services, Chiro Health USA, Chiro Moguls, Pure Chiro Notes, Titronics, Sherman College of Chiropractic, New Patients in a Box, Life Chiropractic College West, Pro Hockey Chiros, Pro Baseball Chiros, the IFCO, and 100% Chiropractic. Let's hustle!


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